यौन स्वास्थ्य के सभी पहलुओं के लिए व्यापक जानकारी प्राप्त करें और अपने यौन कल्याण को सशक्त बनाने के लिए संसाधन और मार्गदर्शन खोजें।
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects many men worldwide, leading to significant stress,…
यौन स्वास्थ्य के सभी पहलुओं के लिए व्यापक जानकारी प्राप्त करें और अपने यौन कल्याण को सशक्त बनाने के लिए संसाधन और मार्गदर्शन खोजें।
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects many men worldwide, leading to significant stress,…
The pelvic floor muscles are the unsung heroes of our body’s core, providing support to…
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide, causing distress…
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages, impacting their…
Erectile dysfunction (ED) means having trouble getting or keeping an erection that’s good enough for…
The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health describes Hypoactive sexual desire disorder…
Assertiveness is a crucial skill that enhances communication, reduces stress, and promotes self-confidence. It enables…
When experiencing a sore throat, the burning and discomfort it induces can impede drinking or eating. Selecting warm drinks and foods can alleviate a sore throat. Opting for soft foods may prevent further irritation. Read below to find the best foods for sore throat and the foods you should avoid.
विषयसूचीWhen you have a sore throat, eating soft and easily swallowable foods is usually safe. The soft texture of these foods helps minimize throat irritation. Additionally, consuming warm foods and beverages can also help soothe your throat.
You may want to eat the following:
Consuming these items will nourish you without further irritating your sore throat.
Avoid foods that could further irritate your throat or are challenging to swallow. These foods might include:
In some individuals, dairy products may thicken or increase mucus production, leading to more frequent throat clearing, which can exacerbate a sore throat.
Other home remedies for sore throats include:
It’s important to see a healthcare provider for a sore throat if it’s severe, not improving after a few days, or if accompanied by a high fever or swollen glands. These symptoms could indicate a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, which may require antibiotics.
When dealing with a sore throat, consuming soft, cool, or warm foods can be soothing. However, acidic, spicy, hard, or crunchy foods may exacerbate the pain, so it’s best to avoid them. Opting for soups, broths, popsicles, and other soft foods can provide relief. Additionally, using a humidifier in your bedroom and keeping a glass of water nearby can help alleviate overnight throat dryness.
एमबीबीएस और एमडी डिग्री वाली मेडिकल डॉक्टर डॉ. निष्ठा पोषण और कल्याण के प्रति गहरी रुचि रखती हैं। शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के साथ महत्वपूर्ण संघर्षों से भरी उनकी व्यक्तिगत यात्रा ने उन्हें अनगिनत व्यक्तियों के सामने आने वाली चुनौतियों के प्रति एक अद्वितीय सहानुभूति और अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान की है। अपने स्वयं के अनुभवों से प्रेरित होकर, वह व्यावहारिक, साक्ष्य-समर्थित मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी पृष्ठभूमि का लाभ उठाती है, जिससे दूसरों को समग्र कल्याण प्राप्त करने के रास्ते पर सशक्त बनाया जा सके। डॉ. निष्ठा वास्तव में मन और शरीर के अंतर्संबंध में विश्वास करती हैं। वह जीवन में संतुलन और खुशी प्राप्त करने की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम के रूप में इस संबंध को समझने के महत्व पर जोर देती है।