यौन स्वास्थ्य

यौन स्वास्थ्य के सभी पहलुओं के लिए व्यापक जानकारी प्राप्त करें और अपने यौन कल्याण को सशक्त बनाने के लिए संसाधन और मार्गदर्शन खोजें।



लेखक: निष्ठा वाधवा

एमबीबीएस और एमडी डिग्री वाली मेडिकल डॉक्टर डॉ. निष्ठा पोषण और कल्याण के प्रति गहरी रुचि रखती हैं। शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के साथ महत्वपूर्ण संघर्षों से भरी उनकी व्यक्तिगत यात्रा ने उन्हें अनगिनत व्यक्तियों के सामने आने वाली चुनौतियों के प्रति एक अद्वितीय सहानुभूति और अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान की है। अपने स्वयं के अनुभवों से प्रेरित होकर, वह व्यावहारिक, साक्ष्य-समर्थित मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी पृष्ठभूमि का लाभ उठाती है, जिससे दूसरों को समग्र कल्याण प्राप्त करने के रास्ते पर सशक्त बनाया जा सके। डॉ. निष्ठा वास्तव में मन और शरीर के अंतर्संबंध में विश्वास करती हैं। वह जीवन में संतुलन और खुशी प्राप्त करने की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम के रूप में इस संबंध को समझने के महत्व पर जोर देती है।

Humans have a basic need to feel connected to others. When people are asked what makes life meaningful, most say satisfying close relationships, especially romantic relationships, come first. Our functioning relies heavily on relationships. Marriage and other long-term romantic relationships can significantly impact our mental health. Conversely, our mental health can greatly affect the quality of our romantic relationship. In this article, we will see what science has to say about the connection between romantic relationships and mental health. Romantic Relationships And Health The quality of marriage and how spouses interact directly affect physiological changes in partners. For instance, studies…

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We all enjoy the forest environment due to its quiet atmosphere, beautiful scenery, mild climate, pleasant aromas, and fresh, clean air. Research conducted in Japan and China shows numerous positive health benefits associated with the practice of Shinrin-Yoku (SY), also known as Forest Bathing FB (FB). Shinrin-Yoku is a traditional Japanese practice of immersing oneself in nature by mindfully using all five senses. What Is Forest Bathing During the 1980s, FB surfaced in Japan as an important part of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine. It is characterized by walking in a forest environment, watching it, and breathing…

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Laughter is a natural response to a humorous stimulus or a pleasant emotion. Genuine laughter has been proven to have positive psychological and physical effects on us. Hence, researchers wondered whether fake or simulated laughter also has the potential to improve mental health. One of the exercises that is used to study these effects is laughter yoga. Laughter Yoga is a complementary therapy used to enhance the health and well-being of ordinary people and patients with chronic illnesses. What Is Laughter Yoga Laughter Yoga (LY), a simulated laughter exercise was developed by Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995. It consists of…

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Happiness may not be the only goal in life, but for many people, it is the most important one. In most nations, people choose a happy life over a meaningful life or a psychologically rich life, filled with novelty and variety. So, naturally, scientists have wondered whether we have the potential to increase our happiness. So, let’s look at some science-backed ways to increase happiness. Definition Of Happiness Happiness is an emotion of joy, gladness, satisfaction, and well-being. It encompasses high positive feelings and less negative emotions. Behaviors To Add To Become Happier Practice Gratitude Researchers have put forth that…

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Lactose Intolerance occurs due to the inability of the body to digest lactose. Lactose is a sugar present in milk and is the main source of calories in milk. Cow’s milk contains approximately 5 g lactose per 100 mL. Lactose is also present in milk products such as yogurt and cheese. What Is Lactose Intolerance Lactase is the enzyme present in the gut that digests lactose in milk. Lactose intolerance occurs due to reduced or absent activity of lactase. Lactose intolerance symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea (in some cases constipation), nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms usually occur about one hour after…

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Milk is the most common food consumed globally. It is also a major ingredient in the preparation of various dairy products like butter, cheese, ghee, whey, ice cream, yogurt, etc. What Is Lactose Lactose is a type of sugar. It is the main carbohydrate found in milk. In the body, lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose by the enzyme lactase which is present in our intestines. This process helps in the digestion and absorption of lactose. Lactose-Free Milk Lactose-free milk is produced by food manufacturers by adding lactase enzyme directly to milk. It can be used just like…

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) means having trouble getting or keeping an erection that’s good enough for sex, and it’s a common issue for men of all ages. It can affect the lives of both the person experiencing it and their partner. This article will explain different ways to treat ED, based on recent research. Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction Drug therapy Oral phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5I) are the first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction. The FDA has approved four PDE5I drugs: sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil. PDE5Is treat ED by enhancing the erectile response. Intracavernosal Injection Injecting vasoactive drugs like papaverine and prostaglandin…

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Many studies claim that ginger is the most-used herbal drug in many countries. Scientific evidence supports its beneficial properties in several health conditions. Benefits of Ginger Ginger has been widely used in pharmaceutical products and food. It is also commonly added to food as a spice and has been widely used in traditional medicine throughout history. Its health benefits backed by science include: Antioxidant Activity Oxidative stress leads to the development of many chronic diseases. Several studies have found that ginger has high antioxidant activity due to the presence of polyphenols. Hence, it is protective against oxidative stress. Anti-Inflammatory Activity…

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Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits are widely consumed worldwide. However, alcohol can have certain harmful effects. Binge drinking of alcohol can also lead to hangover. But, there are certain foods that you can eat to prevent or treat the symptoms of a hangover. Symptoms Of Alcohol Hangover  A Hangover comes with unpleasant physical and mental symptoms after alcohol consumption. These include: These symptoms are due to dehydration, hormonal effects, and toxic effects of alcohol. Foods To Eat For Hangover Herbal therapies for alcohol toxicity have been used for several centuries. Certain foods that are rich in antioxidants…

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Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person makes a victim doubt his or her perceptions or capabilities. It has gained popularity and normalization in recent years. Anyone – whether a peer, family member, spouse, or coworker – can perpetrate gaslighting, and it can be highly damaging, especially when the perpetrator holds a position of authority. What is Gaslighting? The term ‘gaslighting’ originated from the 1938 stage play called “Gaslight,” which was later adapted into a 1944 film featuring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. The story depicted how a husband manipulated his wife into believing she was crazy.…

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