Sexual Health

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Author: Nishtha Wadhwa

Dr. Nishtha, a medical doctor holding both an MBBS and an MD in Biochemistry, possesses a profound passion for nutrition and wellness. Her personal journey, marked by significant struggles with physical and mental health, has endowed her with a unique empathy and insight into the challenges countless individuals face. Driven by her own experiences, she leverages her background to offer practical, evidence-backed guidance, empowering others on their paths to achieving holistic well-being. Dr. Nishtha truly believes in the interconnectedness of the mind and body. She emphasizes the significance of understanding this connection as a crucial stride toward attaining balance and happiness in life.

The quest for thinness has become synonymous with the pursuit of good health, leading to confusion between health and weight-loss advice. Diet companies and influencers promote wellness fads for profit while pretending to support the body-positive movement. People who do not conform to society’s ideal body type are shamed and encouraged to diet, perpetuating the problem. In some way or the other, weight loss is always on our minds We tend to believe what we hear repeatedly and it can be challenging to distinguish between fact and fiction. In this article, we will dispel the common weight loss myths that…

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After finishing your meal and clearing your plate, there’s a lingering sense that something is missing until you indulge in a small sweet treat. Well, you are not the only one who feels this way. For many of us, a sugary nightcap has become your go-to indulgence. It’s not necessarily bad to give into this indulgence once in a while. But, sugar as we know isn’t our body’s greatest friend. Let’s try and understand our relationship with sugar better. Why Sugar Makes Us Feel Good (albeit momentarily)? Our feel-good after having sugar is associated with what sugar does when it…

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We typically associate maturity with adults rather than children but, it is possible for some sensitive children to be more emotionally mature than their parents within a few years, despite the parents having more life experience. However, when emotionally immature parents lack the capacity to respond appropriately to their children’s emotional needs, the outcome is emotional neglect. Emotional neglect is a genuine phenomenon and can be just as detrimental as physical deprivation. Emotional neglect can have long-term negative impacts on a person’s relationships and intimate partners, leading to painful emotional loneliness.  Ultimately, understanding emotional immaturity allows individuals to focus on…

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Anger, just like fear, sadness, and joy is one of the universal emotions. We all get angry but our ways of expressing and experiencing differ. It is also said that our style of expressing anger is influenced by the way we were exposed to anger in childhood. Once you understand your type of anger, you can work on changing it and learn to express it constructively. What Is Anger  Anger is an intense emotion we feel when someone has wronged us or something has gone wrong. It is typically characterized by physical arousal, thoughts about intolerance, frustration, and irritation. Not everyone…

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All of us have different ways of expressing ourselves. Even our non-verbal communications differ from one another. Some of us prefer standing close while talking or enjoy winking and patting while laughing or greeting with hugs. Things that others might never do or even despise. Well, This is because we all have our own meaning of personal space. What is Personal Space The notion of personal space was introduced in 1966 by anthropologist Edward T. Hall, who created the concept of Proxemics. Proxemics is the study of space (or distance) that we maintain in social interactions and the effect that…

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Do you often feel lonely despite being surrounded by people all day? No amount of socializing, internet surfing, or social media seems to fill that void. This feeling can leave us questioning our value to others and where in life we belong. Emotional loneliness might be at the core of these feelings. What is Loneliness Loneliness is a feeling that occurs when a person’s network of social relations is deficient in some important way.  When one’s wishes and social expectations with regard to personal relationships are not met by their existing relationships, one tends to feel lonely. It can be…

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Although a balanced diet and awareness about the nutritional quality of the food you eat are desirable due to their positive impact on health, obsessive fixation on so-called ‘healthy eating’ may become pathological and have negative effects on well-being. This condition is known as Orthorexia Nervosa or Orthorexia. What is Orthorexia American physician Steve Bartman defined orthorexia in 1997 in Yoga Journal, and subsequently in his book entitled Health Food Junkies. The term orthorexia comes from the Greek words: orthos – ‘normal’, and orexia – ‘appetite’. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual does not formally recognize it. So, if someone with…

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To understand the motivations for human behavior, American psychologist Abraham Maslow introduced the concept of a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper, titled “A Theory of Human Motivation”. Maslow wanted to understand what kept individuals from reaching their highest potential. He believed that people have an innate desire to be all they can be. To achieve this ultimate goal, however, some more basic needs must be met. This includes the need for food, safety, love, and self-esteem. These earlier needs, when not satisfied, supersede the later needs in the hierarchy. That is, higher needs will not appear until one…

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