Sexual Health

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Author: Nishtha Wadhwa

Dr. Nishtha, a medical doctor holding both an MBBS and an MD in Biochemistry, possesses a profound passion for nutrition and wellness. Her personal journey, marked by significant struggles with physical and mental health, has endowed her with a unique empathy and insight into the challenges countless individuals face. Driven by her own experiences, she leverages her background to offer practical, evidence-backed guidance, empowering others on their paths to achieving holistic well-being. Dr. Nishtha truly believes in the interconnectedness of the mind and body. She emphasizes the significance of understanding this connection as a crucial stride toward attaining balance and happiness in life.

Many individuals occasionally feel unhappy about their appearance, believing their thighs are too large, skin is blemished, or height is insufficient. Research indicates that it’s common for both women and, increasingly, men to harbor some negativity toward their looks. People often check their reflection, change hairstyles, and use makeup or other products to enhance their appearance. However, some individuals become significantly dissatisfied with their looks, leading to substantial interference in their lives. Appearance concerns can adversely affect relationships, mood, finances, and health. While it would be ideal for everyone to feel positive about their looks consistently, we acknowledge that this…

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Dietary supplements include your daily vitamin pill, calcium antacids favored by many American women, and the flavored liquid your grandma drinks before her afternoon power walk. What is a Supplement According to the Food and Drug Administration, any tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid taken orally containing a dietary ingredient qualifies as a dietary supplement. This encompasses: Dietary supplements can be single-ingredient, like vitamin E capsules, or combination products, such as multivitamins and mineral pills, or the widely debated “energy drinks” primarily fueled by caffeine. When to Use Dietary Supplements Many people view supplements as a quick and easy way to…

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Harry Harlow, a psychologist, worked at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1930. He specialized in infant–caregiver relationships, infant dependency, and needs, as well as social deprivation and isolation. Harlow’s research with rhesus monkeys is widely recognized. Maternal Surrogates: Food versus Comfort In 1958, Harlow conducted experiments where he separated infant rhesus monkeys from their mothers. He created two surrogate ‘mothers’ for the infants: one made of metal that provided milk through an artificial nipple but lacked comfort, and the other covered in soft material that offered comfort but no food. Harlow observed that the first surrogate met the infants’ primary…

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Your food contains proteins composed of amino acids. However, not all proteins provide the necessary amino acids for maintaining a healthy body. Some proteins are essential, while others are not. Additionally, some proteins are of high quality, while others are not. This article clarifies these distinctions. Essential and Nonessential Proteins Humans need 22 different amino acids for optimal health, with 10 being considered essential. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food. Among these, arginine and histidine are essential only for children. Additionally, there are nonessential amino acids that the body can produce…

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To shed pounds, consume fewer calories than you expend. While it may seem straightforward in theory, one approach to address this issue is by learning to easily count calories in food. What Are Calories Cars use gasoline to generate the energy required for movement. Your body metabolizes food to generate energy, producing heat that keeps you warm and powers your every action and thought. The heat produced by food metabolism is measured in a unit called the kilocalorie. It represents the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius at sea level. Your…

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Existential isolation dawns when the awareness hits that you are fundamentally alone, truly and ultimately. You get this when everything stops being distracting, though not everyone feels it because there are many distractions nowadays.  It’s understanding that you’re stuck in your own body, and even with people around, you started life alone and will end it alone. Human Existential Concerns Irvin Yalom (1980) propelled existential psychotherapy to the forefront of modern approaches in addressing human existential concerns. He elucidated the four fundamental human existential concerns, often termed “the ultimate concerns of human existence.” These include:  Death Acknowledging the inevitability of…

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Different ways of interacting and behaving in relationships characterize attachment styles. In early childhood, these styles focus on the interaction between children and caregivers. In Western society, the most common type of attachment is the secure attachment style. What is Secure Attachment Individuals with this attachment style are self-contented, social, warm, and easily forge connections. They are adept at acknowledging and expressing their emotions, often cultivating profound, meaningful, and enduring relationships. Moreover, adults with a secure attachment style are generally well-regarded in professional settings. For parents aspiring to raise securely attached children, delving into research on the subject and addressing any…

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Effective communication recognizes that everyone has specific relationship needs influenced by their attachment style. These needs, neither good nor bad, simply exist. If you’re anxious, you strongly desire closeness and constant reassurance of your partner’s love and respect. If you’re avoidant, you seek some emotional or physical distance, valuing a significant degree of separateness. To foster happiness in a relationship, it’s crucial to clearly communicate our attachment needs without resorting to attacks or defensiveness. What Does Effective Communication Achieve Effective communication serves the following key purposes in a relationship: Selecting the Right Partner Engaging in effective communication is the most…

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Navigating relationships proves challenging due to the diverse types of relationships and forms of love. What works well for one couple may not be effective for another. Ideally, relationships thrive when all partners’ needs are met in a balanced manner. However, if the scales tilt too far in one direction, you may find yourself entangled in a codependent relationship. This type of dependence is prevalent in relationships where one party struggles with addiction, such as alcohol or other substances. In fact, the term codependency originated in the field of chemical dependency, coined in the 1950s within the context of Alcoholics…

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