Sexual Health

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Author: Nishtha Wadhwa

Dr. Nishtha, a medical doctor holding both an MBBS and an MD in Biochemistry, possesses a profound passion for nutrition and wellness. Her personal journey, marked by significant struggles with physical and mental health, has endowed her with a unique empathy and insight into the challenges countless individuals face. Driven by her own experiences, she leverages her background to offer practical, evidence-backed guidance, empowering others on their paths to achieving holistic well-being. Dr. Nishtha truly believes in the interconnectedness of the mind and body. She emphasizes the significance of understanding this connection as a crucial stride toward attaining balance and happiness in life.

Childbirth exhausts and challenges mothers. Pregnancy subjects women to significant hormonal, physical, emotional, and psychological changes. Surprisingly, it can even lead to depression. Approximately one in seven women may experience postpartum depression (PPD). After childbirth, most new moms undergo postpartum “baby blues,” characterized by mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. Although women experiencing baby blues typically recover quickly, PPD tends to linger and significantly impairs women’s ability to resume normal functioning. Risk Factors for PPD Psychological A history of depression and anxiety, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a negative attitude towards the baby, reluctance regarding the baby’s gender, and a…

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A healthy gut isn’t just necessary for good digestion. Scientists are discovering more about how the bacteria in your gut may play a role in your overall health, including your mental well-being. Gut Bacteria While infection is commonly associated with bacteria, it’s essential to note that the majority of bacteria in the gut are actually beneficial. The gut microbiome, comprising approximately 100 trillion microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses, is primarily situated in the colon. With approximately 1,000 species of bacteria, the unique combination varies from person to person and evolves throughout life. Research indicates that maintaining a balance…

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Attraction often communicates itself through non-verbal cues, known as body language. If you find these fundamental attraction questions challenging, you are not alone. Is she attracted to you? Does he like you? Why didn’t they call? Body language equips you with the tools to determine where you stand. By understanding these signals, you can identify when someone is interested in you. The Origins of Body Language To understand contemporary nonverbal cues of attraction, examining the origins of our body language is insightful. Our Stone Age ancestors employed the same body language that we utilize today. The following are the messages…

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During the 1960s, Stanley Milgram (1933–1984) conducted a controversial obedience experiment. It is one of the most debated studies in psychology.  Aim Milgram aimed to explore why regular individuals might engage in extremely harmful actions when influenced by an authority figure. Intrigued by post-World War II confessions where Nazi soldiers justified heinous acts by claiming they were just “following orders,” Milgram designed an experiment. Milgram’s Experiments Milgram recruited volunteer participants, instructing them to believe they were part of a learning experiment. Cast in the role of teachers, they were directed to administer increasingly powerful electric shocks to “learners” for each…

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Lose 10 pounds in 10 days and trim inches off your waist! Achieve quick slimming results with this one secret! Secret or just a fad? Fad diets offer a quick fix for weight loss or immediate concerns, unlike long-term lifestyle changes recommended by dietitians such as the Mediterranean or DASH diets. How to Identify a Fad Diet? Distinguishing between a fad diet and a sustainable lifestyle diet can be challenging. This is how to identify a fad diet: While some fad diets may have been around for years, a study warns that following them for an extended period could be…

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UK adults prefer meat over fish as their main protein source, and most Americans consume less fish than recommended. However, incorporating more fish into your diet is worthwhile because whether it’s fresh, canned, or frozen, it provides numerous benefits. What’s So Great About Fish? Fish and shellfish are excellent sources of protein, offering 15g–20g per 100g, which is approximately a third of the daily recommended amount for many adults. They are also low in fat compared to many meats. In particular, incorporating oily fish like sardines, salmon, trout, and mackerel into your diet provides beneficial omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including…

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Perfectionism has both helpful and unhelpful aspects. If you decide that the unhelpful aspects outweigh the helpful ones, you are more likely to want to make a change. Tackling perfectionism requires seeing the world in shades of grey, not black and white; it requires committing time and effort and being willing to try new things. Make a commitment to take on the challenge of tackling your perfectionism; it’s important. Perfectionism Behaviors Perfectionists often engage in various perfectionism behaviors, such as repeatedly checking work for mistakes, as they strive to meet unrelenting high standards. Just as thoughts influence feelings and behaviors,…

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At some point, everyone experiences uncertainty, lacks self-confidence, doubts their abilities, or thinks negatively about themselves. Low self-esteem involves holding a generally negative opinion of oneself. What is Self-Esteem As humans, we possess the ability to not only be self-aware but also to assign a value or measure of worth to ourselves or different aspects of our identity. Self-esteem, in essence, reflects our views and thoughts about ourselves and the value we attribute to our personhood. Challenges with self-esteem often arise from our human capacity to judge and assign value to aspects of ourselves. What is Low Self-Esteem Have you…

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Staying hydrated is vital for nutrition because water is essential for all the body’s processes. Without water, our bodies would last longer without food. What are The Benefits of Water? Almost every system in the body depends on water. It allows the circulatory system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells, aids the kidneys in filtering waste, helps regulate body temperature through sweating, and supports the digestive system. Moreover, water plays a vital role in the brain, where 75% of its mass is water, influencing mood, productivity, and concentration alongside its role in bodily functions. Daily Targets Your body expends…

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Perfectionism is frequently confused with the idea of ‘being perfect’ or ‘doing something perfectly,’ leading many to view it positively. However, others consider perfectionism to be a negative and embarrassing trait. The question then arises: is it a positive or negative quality? Perfectionism entails imposing high standards on ourselves, significantly shaping our self-perception. Research has demonstrated that certain aspects of perfectionism can be beneficial, while others may be detrimental. What is Perfectionism Perfectionism consists of three fundamental components: While it is generally beneficial to set high standards and have goals in life, perfectionism becomes problematic when these objectives are either…

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